I decided to sit down tonight while the kids were in the bath tub and write out a few birthday and thank you cards.
I ordered some a few weeks ago from Jaymi [The Flip Flop Mamma!] off of her Etsy site. I just wish she would've thrown in some of her Chai tea and some lip balm(home made & all natural). I don't think she had the balm up but I might need to make another order! Sorry I'm rambling, I just want to give my own personal testimony that she sent exactly what I asked for and they are just so stinkin cute. I love handmade anything. If you put your time and effort into something IT DOES make the difference! SO take my word, your next set of birthday, get well soon or thinking of you cards need to be bought from right over....HERE
shameless plug!!! [GO HELP SUPPORT a S@HM!!!]
Okay back to the mess, I was sitting at the kitchen table while Katherine gave the kids a bath. I tried to take advantage of this time. TOO BAD I only got two cards wrote out. Then I hear "Maaa maaaaa. . . MAAAA MAAAA " ::snickering:: Katherine can wash Terri but its apparently "MY JOB" to get her out. After getting Terri out lotioning her up and chasing her around I go into check on Mason. Making sure he's getting his shower, when I hear..."ewww" and then plastic hitting the floor ::BIG SIGH:: I go back into the kitchen to find my 21 MO standing on the kitchen table with my ink pad in her hands and "I wann iippps onnn" (she was saying, "I want LIPS ON")I yelled for Katherine to grab the camera to get a quick shot before Terri was tossed (figuratively) back into the tub.
Speaking of MESSES... MASON IS A HAM. PERIOD. End of that story. He is forever smooching on me. Randomly coming up to me and hugging me. I love it. My baby. I often feel bad for our sitters b/c he will tell them "My Mommy is the best" or "Mommy doesn't do it that way" or "you can't kiss me your not my mommy" I feel so bad. He has told me before that he doesn't like it when I leave because I'm his mommy and the babysitters have to go home. Almost like they're gonna try to take my place as his mom. Poor baby. Don't get me wrong He loves Lydia, Katherine and Lydia (esssspecially Cari) but he LOOOVEEEES HIS MAMA!

This video is of Mason BEGGING for Mac n Chez(that GROSS pwdered stuff) at 8:30PM.
THEN he flipped the camera on me. I thought he was just gonna snap a picture or two (that would most likely be deleted) but he video taped me. EWWW!! haaa haaa
See Mason beg for Mac N chez
Hear Mason tell me I'm pretty...so sweet
(with all of his NEW tattoos his pawpaw got him. THANKS DADDY!)
FOLLOWED BY Masons explanation (to all of you) WHY he is always in his undies
Hear Masons Explanation of WHY JOLLY RANCHERS ARE a good snack
Do a spaz-iod dance
&&& finally
Sing a song about not liking our dog Louie
(that he LOVES and sleeps with every single night!!!!)
haha...great video. :) I don't think I've eaten Mac & cheese for...hmmm...a loooong time. :) Guess that'll change when Tate gets old enough to start begging for it! ;)
Oh my word...he is too funny:) I love when these videos make me laugh out loud. Your puppy dog face in the video cracks me up girl!!! Oh, and I love how he tries to convince you that JR's are a healthy snack....
i can see ur tat ;-)