The best thing about having a birthday and being a mommy is waking up with your five year old kissing you and saying
"Its time to sing you Happy Birthday Mommy"
When I got up he told me to go into his room an
"WELAX till sissy gets up"Then he gave me my card that he had made an envelope for. ALL while I was sleeping. He came in the an envelope out of the drawer, went back to his room and got his construction paper and crayons out and made it all for me. WITHOUT making a sound. :-D He is so grown up. I can't believe he'll turn 6 next week!! He also put some of his change in the envelope so I could buy myself something nice. :-D
...THEN when Terri got up he went and let her crib down so she could get out....THEN he went and got her and juice box while I started breakfast...
THEN (yes he went on all day pampering mommy) he washed the dishes for me....
THEN while I took my shower he got the scotch tape and four sheets of contruction paper and wrapped my present. (which was the mommy and baby gorilla set I got him when we went to Knoxville Zoo 2 1/2 years ago.) :-D
Daddy cleaned today while mommy and the kids lounged around like bums. (I had a sore throat)
Then he snuck off to the store and picked up some hamburger meat and THIS CAKE. Yes that is REALLY what my cake said. (NO Mason can't read yet.) ...and Yes we call each other stupid.
You know you've really matured when you can have a cake fight with your kids and have more fun than they do. :-P I told Mason that the flowers on the cake smelled like strawberries....HE FELL FOR IT!! Then Terri snuck up and tried to lick the cake off the table and then....I GOT HER>>>
and it wouldn't be fair for ME not to smell the cake too!!
So cute! Looks like ya'll had a blast. I LOVE that you get in there and get dirty with the kids. They will always remember those days. Hope your day was special and hope your sore throat went away.
PS. Funny cake!
Well then Happy Birthday!
AHHHH! Why didnt you remind me it was ur birthday! :-(
I love that pic of you and mason... its so cute!!! he looks so much like you.
Well... sorry its late.. but happy birthday, love u!
You all are so fun!! LOve how your son is!!! Happy Birthday.
It looks like you guys all had a blast!!! Hope you had a very special birthday and hopefully your sore throat went away!