
Circus Videos Part 2

yep you guessed MORE TO COME!

Daddy got a close up of us 3.

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  • Rhonda said...

    what a sweet picture of the 3 of you!

    I read about the missing kid at chick filet...ohmygosh. SO SCARY! My 3 yr old went next door w/o telling anyone and couldn't find her-we had police and helicopter out before she toddles out of the neighbors house like, "whatcha doin'?" My 7 yr old checked for her there but his "checking' consisted of peeking in their screen instead of ASKING an ADULT if she was there. kids gotta love 'em! don't need another heart attack like that EVErRRRR again!

    good luck with your new little niece!

  • Rhonda said...

    p.s. I'm following you now...if you aren't already come follow mE!