
Kinda running on fumes here!

I tend to neglect my blog when I get too stretched out. I think it happens to all of us. I try to keep up with all the milestones and the big events on here. (Its nice to look back and see what I was doing this time last year.) I really had just started. This is almost like my very first Blogiversary!

Last week.... I inherited a teenager!

Well I am now picking up a 14 YO from school each day. A family friend is going through a divorce so I get to be his daughters own personal chauffeur....a.k.a. her babysitter! LOL!!! HA HAAA (She makes me feel so OLD!) She listens to music I DON'T understand she doesn't know who The Eagles are. Don't get me wrong, she is adorably cute. ACTUALLY I might have her "babysit" MY kids this weekend. I want her to come to church with me on Sunday. I think she might really enjoy it. She does go to a private Christian school but I don't think they are members of a church. I COULD be wrong. I have to say this her father has solely raised her since she was a tot and I think he has done a wonderful job. I think she is in need of some mothering. hmmmm ya know I can be of some service! ;-D Today I took her to the nail place and got her some nice PINK girly nails. NO BLACK ALLOWED! ha haa I am so kidding, I thought it would be fun! OH AND with Terri and Kristopher and Mason it was a blast! Mason is such a big blessing. He is Terris night in shining aromor! He sat her down and colored with her, gave her 8 suckers, held her bippies... WHAT an angel! Kristopher (THE BEAN) took a nice little nap in the stroller. IF I would have put Terri in there she would have FLIPPED OUT!!!!

I can't complain about the extra child/kid/teen in the house. She is almost invisible at times. Other times she has come in handy! LIKE at Arts and Crafts! :-D I layed out everything..and she supervised so I could clean up some. [neat freak]
Click here for the NON editted version. :-) Oh and that IS NOT a picture of Katherines feet. Its mine! (if you noticed the tattoo.) I thought about that just now!

I must add. . .MASON AND TERRI JADE just LOOOOVE Katherine! :-)

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  • Wendy said...

    How fun! It's awesome that you are willing to help the family out. I am sure that you show her a good time:)

  • Anonymous said...

    Wow, that all sounds so familiar... seems I remember this really young girl, full of life, talking non-stop,running around my salon....but I must say you gotta love her. You are the perfect person to be helping out a teen, you relate to them. Practice up cause I'm sending mine your way:)
    P.S: looks to me that you are handling all of it just fine.

  • FlipFlop Mom said...

    That's Awesome!! Our door is always open here.. I have two extra kiddos now.. ( they're playing leggos with hubby and son.. lOL LOL) and we're getting three more boys in about 20 minutes.. from there.. I have chocolate milk duty!!!

    I truly enjoy it!! Have so much fun 14 year olds are GREAT.. and love to do hair.. I miss that.. now only boys come here.. LOL LOL LOL!! They don't care about hair!!!

  • Anonymous said...

    That's so awesome!! You're such an awesome person to open your door and help people out! Not very many people would do that.

  • Anonymous said...

    That's so awesome!! You're such an awesome person to open your door and help people out! Not very many people would do that.

  • Chastity said...

    That is great! I personally really like kids that age...guess that's why I chose to teach middle school.