As I have had the LONGEST DAY OF THE MONTH!(LOL!! ALL 2 DAYs INTO IT!!) I sit here wondering how I can FIX my new favorite bag that means so much to me!!
BASICALLY I went to my Sunday school Christmas party last night. I rode with my neighbors (the youth pastor and wife) Seeing as how I get car sick n the backseat. My good friend Donna let me ride shot gun next to her hubby. (I WAS TURNING GREEN in the backseat!!!) I told her to HOLD ON to my crock pot!! SHE DID! UNTILLLL we had made our 5th wrong turn..she reached for the cell phone from her (HIGHLY UPSET HUBBY) and CRASH!!!!

I tried not to be too upset to make worse of the situation. But I cannot get the funk out of the purse. It completely ...(how do I explain the way the fabric looks) its almost worn looking like its frayed. ALL I need to know is it wool or acrylic. HOW CAN I CLEAN IT? IT SMELLS SOOOOOOOOOOO BAD! {THESE ARE ????'s I emailed Steph the creator of the purse!}
...this morning I took Terri to my fathers (didn't feel well enough for church and my husband DOESN'T go with us he just likes to SLEEPS till we get home at 1!!) and picked mason up around 9 am(he had stayed the night) when I picked her up I noticed the little dot on her lip had spread to 5 or 6 dots.
THEN...came home and knitted while she took a nap...the hubby took Mason to blockbuster, etc. THEN .>>Kristophers (the 14 mo I keep) mom called me in an uproar. She was on her way to urgent care. She had given him Chinese peas and carrots and chicken and broccoli and thought he had and allergic reaction. This happened Friday night and he had progressively gotten worse.
ANyways she told me about his vomiting, diarrhea, temperature loss of appetite, THEN.....SHE (waits till last thing) to tell me about the RASH that started around him mouth and is NOW SPREAD TO HIS ENTIRE BODY!!!
I told her that is was NOT a coincidences that they both have these dots around their mouths and now Terri is not feeling good either. He was obviously not having an allergic reaction to chinese food. BTW, HOW Many of you have heard not to give toddlers chin ease? I have never heard that. But Kelly said her mom and a few others told her not too.
I ended up at the urgent care, LOONG STORY SHORTENED..Terri has hand foot and mouth virus. OHH and an ear infection.

Then his mother (Kelly grew up with me and Drea and my hub) has the NERVE to take his pacifier out of his mouth and put him down so that Terri can kiss him. NOOooooOOOOO
I don't have a picture of his face but I googled HFMD and got a similar shot for you to imagine!
His mouth/face is 3 or 4 times as bad as hers! Kelly you moron! lol I swear those things were ooooozin! YOU KISS HIM THEN . . .Terri...can kiss...HIS FOREHEAD!!! LOL!!
OHH THis virus/disease came from a lady at Kellys work. Whose granddaughter had just got it.
Ohh and Terri Jade rolled to the urgent care in her old navy pjs and her KSWISS!! LOL!!
Oh your poor poor purse! I hope that Stephanie has some tips for you.
And poor poor little Terri! HFM is no fun. I had that once when I worked in an infant room. Somehow I got it from one of those lil' boogers:) Hope she gets better super fast.
awwww poor Terri!! Hope she gets better really soon! Hopefully Stephanie has some tips for you you about your purse!
Try the wool wash and a tooth pick :-)
u look like a sad puppy in that pic
I'm so sad for your bag! Try to soak it in woolite, but you could also try to soak it in Dawn dish detergent. I know that it sounds crazy, but it cuts grease in clothing just like it does on pans. It could help with the sausage/ cheese mix.
ahhhhhhhhhhh poor baby.. poor mama... GOSH I sooooo remember those days... seemed like my little one was always ear infections.. chicken pox.. etc..
I hope she's feeling better soon!!!!!
I get car sickness too!! actually I get anxiety along with it... drives me insane... cause I feel like I can't travel anywhere!!! :(
Awww, I feel so bad for you! I get so car sick too and it is just the worst feeling. And to have it ruin your purse on top of everything else? So not fair! (I didn't know Steph made such fabulous purses by the way....very cool!)
And hugs (virtual ones, lol) to Terri...poor baby! I pray she feels better soon.
Oh, you poor dear. :(
The purse...AND sick babies. I'm so sorry.
Tisha @ Crazy Working Mom
I think it will be easier to beg Steph to make you a new bag than to clean it. But then again, I send everything to the dry cleaners because I hate to iron....
You might be able to clean it....but not me....