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thank you thank you thank you thaannnnnk you!

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What beautiful pictures! You are all so photogenic :)
for some reason the last pic of us made me think abt the bra instant lol. um "where'd you get that one from? hehe.
Mine was 3 bucks I know yours cost way more!
anyyyy whoooo... I love the pics. they really did come out cute.. and I see personality in each one! That means mission accomplished!!
They came out so beautiful!! Lucky you to be friends with Andrea and get some beautiful photos:)
Beautiful pictures, your family is so cute!!
Those pictures are GORGEOUS!!! Love them, love them, love them!!!! Did I mention I love them??? haha.
Love those picture you look hot Mama
Not that it'd be hard to photograph you all 'cause you have a beautiful family anyhow but these photos are amazing!!! Nice job. :)
CrAzY Working Mom
These are gorgeous! I Love the ones on Drea's blog too.