ALOT. tee hee!
Clint was waiting on a customer the other day and he thought he'd go shopping at a kids store. He said he knew how much I love strawberry shortcake so he had to get it when he saw it.
Because we all know that he doesn't like the red THAT I GAVE OUR DAUGHTER (and son)
Terri Jade (SERIOUSLY) has 20 bathing suits. Time to weed through and start donating.
Just so you know. I HAVEN'T bought one of these suits, I go to a church that has A TON of little girls!!!!! A TON! Mason is in a major minority. There are 6 or 7 girls his age and only 2 boys. :-D rambling.....sorry
Lani can still fit into all her suits from last sad is that?!? I know that I will buy her a few new ones.