With all the kids in my house I've CONSTANTLY got someone getting hurt, or being selfish, or just needing a TIME OUT!
Terri likes to walk up to Kristopher and push him. Not in a mean way but just to laugh. IF he does fall, she helps him stand up and kisses or hugs him.

It was pretty cute to me though. I like how at the end of the video I'm zooming into Kristopher and I TOTALLY ignore Terri getting up and walking into the kitchen.
(Katherine was eating snack.)
(I think she was so NON-UNDERSTANDABLE b/c she was so tired)
Oh my freakin' cute:) Lani has now watched the "baaayyybeeeee cyin" like 20 times!! Poor Terri...mama being soooo mean:( Oh, and nice job gently correcting Katherine that we say "bottom" not "butt"...LOL!!
she is precious even mad!
How do you even stand the cuteness?? She'd be in time out like for 3 seconds, give me that pouty look and that'd be it! LOL. She's too dang cute!