Please watch and don’t be drawn into this false prophecy!
Ephesians 2:8 says; “For by GRACE you are saved through FAITH, that NOT OF YOURSELVES, it is the gift of GOD, NOT OF WORKS lest any man should boast.” He also said in John 14:6, “I am the way the truth and the life – NO ONE comes to the Father but by Me”. If we can be saved or “get to heaven” by being good people, why did Jesus have to die? Where does He receive the glory? How atrociously humanistic and self edifying!! IT’S NOT ABOUT ME!!!!!! It’s ALL ABOUT HIM!! OH! I’m getting worked up!!!
To all my Christian brothers and sister's, please pass this video on to all your family and friends.
Oprah's new online class covering Eckhart Tolle's A New Earth is exposed. They conducted the first mass trance. Over 2 Million participated in this new age class, a new book Don't Drink the Kool-Aid uncovers shocking truths that must be shared.
Ugg..Oprah. I haven't been able to watch her for years.
Having not read this "Don't Drink the Kool-Aid" book, I don't feel like I can go around endorsing it, just in case it's just as nutty as this book she's promoting. I pray that all of her followers will get a wakeup call though...she's a talk show host for crying out loud...she has no authority on anything. Good grief.
I love to surf the web looking for that newest coolest thing that no ONE has. (its a secretly a competition with me and my F-I-L!) I love hearing about new sites & pretty much anything that will make life a little more SIMPLE!!! Whether you are an individual or a large company; I would be happy to do a product review for you!! Contact me @....
How about you follow me, and I follow you, and we can walk around in big circles?
I'm the brains behind this blog. Be afraid be very afraid.
I'm a born again Christian. Striving to known and please the Lord more and more everyday. I'm the wife to a temperamental hubby a.k.a "Big Stup", who seems to be my perfect balance cause I'm off the walls. We have two beautiful children. {Mason 6YO and Terri Jade 2.5YO[DIVA]} I'm also the proud mama to a dog... Louie (Lhasa Apso--who often smells).
I'm a caffeine fueled mom of 2 dealing with what life hands me one day at a time. I'm a talker, try not to get lost in my babbling....
Thanks for sharing this Elizabeth. I just posted it on my blog too.
Thanks for posting that Elizabeth, I have always thought that Oprah was full of herself as well as wacky out there ideas. This proves it.
Ugg..Oprah. I haven't been able to watch her for years.
Having not read this "Don't Drink the Kool-Aid" book, I don't feel like I can go around endorsing it, just in case it's just as nutty as this book she's promoting. I pray that all of her followers will get a wakeup call though...she's a talk show host for crying out loud...she has no authority on anything. Good grief.