
Golden Compass Destined to BOMB??

You may already know about the kid’s movie coming out in December starring Nicole Kidman. It's called The Golden Compass, and while it will be a watered down version, it is based on a series of children's books about killing God (It is the anti-Narnia). Please follow this link and then pass it on. From what I understand, the hope is to get a lot of kids
to see the movie - which won't seem too bad - and then get the parents to buy the books for their kids for Christmas. The quotes from the author sum it all up. I hope it totally bombs because we were all paying attention!

*Click to enlarge*

I am not an alarmist but this info was given to me and I want to pass it along - please be aware of the not allow your kids or grandkids to go see it.It is easy to forget that we are at war with the enemy and he is trying everything in his power to dethrone our Lord. Let us not put our guards down but let us be ready and awake.

Have a great day and remember we are on the winning team, I've read the back of the book and Jesus will be known and recognized and acknowledged as King of Kings and Lord of Lords ESPECIALLY in this house!

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  • Drea said...

    I love Nicole Kidman in so many movies (moulin rougue is a fav of mine)... but when I hear of her being in something like this targeted for kids.. makes me sick.

    Makes me want to stop watching any movie shes in, you know?

    Calebs never been to the movies but ill be sure not to let him see this. BTW we should go to the movies the week im in town (11th-15th) at the 1.50 w/ Caleb and Mason. Hes never been like I said. I think it be fun. Just the 4 of us. No babies!

  • mAsOn & tErrI's mOm said...

    I KNOW! I never thought she would be in something so controversial!

    THE MOVIES??? You, Me, and our big boys...::DEEP BREATH:: OKAY why not?


  • Anonymous said...

    Hi, Lis here Andrea's airplane friend [= Thanks for posting this...I had no idea and was planing to see the movie, not anymore thanks to you. I will be passing this info along as well.