
Her little black dress...

Now that I'm back from "vacation" (work-lol) I've been overly busy with cleaning, organizing, washing clothes, checking emails, opening packages....and I've only been home since Saturday night. I don't wanna neglect you or leave you hanging....I want to let you see the boo-quoos of pictures I took; but I need TIME! I have to edit them, that is AFTER I get my house back to normal! (yesterday was spent CLEANING-not that Daddy didn't do a phonemal job) But while moms away theres alot that is overlooked. ALOT. ::snickering:: But I'm not complaining...Mason was well fed (ALOOOOT of eating out), bathed (daddy does this every night regardless!), at school everyday and his homework done. Now his folders weren't signed and somethings were left out but his teacher completely understood.(I will say that besides the mounds of clean clothes that needed to be sorted and put away Daddy gets a BIG round of applause cause he did SUCH a great job.) I wonder if he even missed me? ;-)

To leave you now with this, Riley Jeans FIRST LITTLE BLACK DRESS.

(and yes this week will be overloaded with miss r.j.)

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