
Dear Grandmother....(and Chrissie too) :o)

On a side note. To my husbands Grandmother Doris, I love you. I am a horrible human being. I don't deserve you loving me because I am lazy!! (overworked and underpaid along with never thanked I'd like to add to that.)

I haven't forgotten that I PROMISED TO COME AND VISIT YOU. My life runs in a different time zone. I am going a million miles a minute in three different directions. Tuesday came around last week and something happened. Then on Friday I didn't have to drive down that way to pick up Katherine and with GAS being 3.79 a gallon I was just trying to conserve. I hope you understand. I was going to call you but of course I forgot. (Oh look a bright shiny object.) YEP, I admit it my A.D.D. kicked into overdrive and I FORGOT TO CALL! ::kicking myself in the rearend:: I know I'm supposed the be the good one in this marriage that is supposed to keep up with birthdays and holidays but MY BRAIN NEEDS A BREAK! Can you do me a favor? Whenever you get bored and you want to see us. CALL CLINT! (of course you can call me) but what I mean is call him and tell him to GET OUT OF THE BED/GO HOME (either he'll be asleep, working, or at a friends when you call) and tell him to come home and do something so I can come and bring these kids over to see you and Chrissie!!!

I WILL WILL WILL come down there and stay for hours with you. You and Chrissie will have to drag me out of the house. Especially if I can convince you to make me some turnips or collards! ;-) yuuuummmmmy!

P.S. Chrissie I need you to add a PICTURE or A FEW to your myspace I'm tired of seeing....

...and on THAT topic...WHY am I number 7? ::cough TOP ROW cough::

seriously I love the flowers on Terrys grave. You always put such nice ones there. The kids bought some to take to her too but I'll just say that they weren't as pretty with Terri got through "BABY handling" them. I really wish I would have filmed the kids out there on Mothers day, Masons prayer had me BALLIN!!! He asked God to "be wif my grandmother in heaven and make daddy not sad that his mommy isn't here on mothers day. And pwease God let him be happy to have me and sissy and mommy..." It went on and I was sobbing! I'll let him tell ya'll about it!

KISSES!!! and HUGS!!!

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