
Baby Dagny's big sale

So as soon as I get back from the beach I have a few stops to BLOGLAND! One of which is Adventures in babywearing. One of her posts was a Baby Dagny's big sale . Of course I had to go check it out. Last night I saw this adorable hat on clearance for 3.oo it said Big Brother a.k.a. the Boss. How cute would Mason be in that hat? Too bad when i went back this morning it was ON SALE for 1.00...but they only had little bitty hats left. None that my little big head could wear. But anyways Steph is giving away a Baby Dagny-exclusive multi stripe Peekaboo Pouch! I have already tryed this same puch on b/c Drea has one and I LOVED it! So Steph count me in! ;-D

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