
Switching to Wool?

So of course you hear it from Drea first. . . I can never get a post up before she spills the beans! POO!

Yes I did get a really sweet package the other day! I have wanted to try wool since I started cloth diapering. At a the baby wearing group that me and Andrea go to in our local area I met Jessie (the really sweet woman that gave me the lavender Moby)...she also gave me alot of great advice about cloth diapering. When I told Jessie that I had a made an order for Bumgenius she told me that they were more work than prefolds and wool. I never imagined she could be so right! I just knew at the time that I had a very small budget to buy cloth diapers and I knew I blew it on the ones with all the bells and whistles!

I have been drooling over the nice wool soakers for months since then. I just can't afford it and I don't know how to knit. I know I know . . .I should have listened to my great grandma when she tried to teach me. I was young and basically stupid! I'm really interested in learning!!!! I need to get together some supplies . . .if anyone has extra {yarn needles (darning or tapestry needle), crochet hook size f, g, or h} please note...I'll take em! Whats up with a Bamboo needle? Do I need one of those? HELP! I'm clue less! Does anyone know of a really good self help book? Andreas mom offered to teach me...I'm definitely going to be taking her up on that offer~~when she has the time! I actually found a site that teaches you how to take an old wool sweater and make a wool soaker how cool is that! I want to know how to make afghans and baby blankies too! knitting? cloth diapering...momma? hmmm

So the package Jude sent me was sooOOOooooo nice!! I opened it and was in awe! Jude sent me this stuff because her eldest was cloth diapered and with her daughter she just didn't have the time! So she felt like they were gong to waste. YAY 4 ME!!! The package included 4 small Aristovcrats, a medium (I think) Aristocrat and a Pink Babyology with a monkey on the butt! (size small) since Terri isn't a fluffy baby she fits the smalls just fine. I would like to sell them eventually and get mediums.

To all of you that are weary of soakers and pins and snappies and leaking....listen up! I am a laid back momma . . .if she poops she poops...whatever. Poo doesn't bother me. Even thought the past few days there has been more that usual and I've missed (getting her to the potty) a few times. I put a soaker on her the other night with a good prefold (and really reasonably priced!) an insert (that I got on sale for a dollar!!) and a liner. Seem like a lot? Okay I was being cautious! I had never let a baby sleep in a soaker before. I didn't want anything to go thru.

So she woke up yesterday morning at 9:45(!!!!!) and was dry to the touch (the soaker that is) her insert and prefold were soaked!!! The liner was surprisingly still all together! I immediately had to call Andrea. . . "Your never gonna believe this!!!" So I changed her about 10 and by the time Andrea got here yesterday at 1:30 I had the same diaper on her just so she could see. I took the diaper off and vwalla (however you spell it) no leakage!!! I'm sold! I used the same soakers alternating them all day yesterday and last night! I'm sold!!! I will definitely be taking Jesse's advice and saving my BumGenius for "outings"!!!

If you are new to Cloth Diapering there are so many different ways to go...I've heard alot about different diapers leaking and certain ones being better for fluffy babies and ones that you shouldn't use for babies with thin thighs but I've never heard any complaints on WOOL!! I think I've been converted!! I do have this one suggestion. . .if you want good "thirsty" prefolds CLICK HERE! They are the best quality for a really low price!! If you want a really good "Flushable Liner" (It says flushable but its on you whatever you put in your septic system!!! ~warned!) CLICK HERE! And if you need a good absorbent (adjustable too) Insert CLICK HERE!!!

I will add this . . .If you are in need of some cheap (cost) diapers or covers go to Thirsties Outlet!! They might be seconds or slightly flawed but I've heard wonderful things about these products!! I see they have some flannel wipes and new diapers on sale...hmmm? flannel wipes and a purple diaper...oooOOooh

--Don't get me wrong. . .I LOVE my BumGenius!!
Hopefully I'll get a Hautes or two (for some purple)--

Andrea, her husband Travis and the boys all cam back yesterday and I made dinner. Which I must add that I will be giving her my recipe for my squash casserole (I've been trying to tell ya'll I'm country!~I'm in my 2O's and I make casseroles!) and even if you hate squash like Andrea claimed too you'll love this!
TIP: Great way to get picky eaters to eat veggies...smother it in cheese!

After they all went home Andrea came back to teach me how to use my new picture editing tool I just downloaded and we played a little with the pictures from yesterday.
Here is Terri in the pink wool soaker (with the monkey on the butt!)

Another of The Monkey Butt @ the window
*****If you want to LAUGH!!! . . .Terris IS Clints little girl!
~~~Andrea was having FUN!~~~

Oh and come back tomorrow for pictures of the pastors wife drinking mango margaritas!!! "non-alcoholic" of course!
I will leave you with this. . .Terri is 12 1/2 months old and she just learned how to walk behind her walker!! LAZY!!! LAZY!!! Wook how cute her widdle toosh is!!!

and please don't forget that
I'm a Top Mommma!

Go to Top Momma dot com

Get Me those clicks! Thanks JANE!!!

****Andrea is #31 on their HAll Of Fame!!****

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  • Drea said...

    Im 1st 2 comment! yay! I do like the soakers. I think ill use them on days im around the house. Im not sure id like using them out much... w/ a nice wet bag tho it wont be bad using them out. Just replace the prefold. I may order some nice prefolds and a snappi. if I get a snappi do you want one? or do you think it snag the wool? hmm....

  • mAsOn & tErrI's mOm said...

    To snappi or not? hmm. . .that is the question!! Have ya'll not left yet?

    Pins? or no. . .your scared! LOL! pins? snappis? pins? snappis . . .

  • Anonymous said...

    Hey, I have some prefolds that I could send you. They aren't the "good" ones, but they really do work just as well...very absorbent. They'll at least stretch your laundry doings. If you want them, email me your addy and I'll get them out to ya!

  • Jessie said...

    Ha! I come on here and to make sure that you knew about the babywearing meeting at Freedom Park and I am being talked about in your post! I am glad that you are finding the wool/prefold love at your home. We have that same Babyology but longies and I swear by them for my night time wool. Anyway, the girls and I are going to try really hard to make it and hope that you and your kidlets will be at the park too. Later mama!

  • Kell Rees said...

    Hailey has that same walker thingy and she started taking steps on her own shortly after learning how to walk with that.
    I love how mason is standing right behind her, helping her out incase she falls. How cute!!!

  • Ashley said...

    that little white dress... awww...

  • Mrs. Stam said...

    The soaker look cool, and they work, nice!!!! I'll probably try to knit some (All my gramma are past away so I use the net to learn, I did learn crochet first 2 years ago and knitting last winter!) It;s a lot of fun and I like it.

    The pictures look great!

    I don,t use pins or anything with my prefold just the Kuchies plastic covers over my prefold (they are the cheapest of the cloth)

  • Anonymous said...

    I had never heard of those wool ones, but what a great idea. Mmmm, that squash casserole (smothered in cheese) actually sounds really good! I love squash!

    I don't see your pic on Top Momma today... I have been clicking and clicking on it so I am personally offended if you're booted off!!!

    Jane, P&B Girls

  • Wendy said...

    such a cute video:) Just what Lani does...she runs into things, then looks back at me so I can move her! LOL!! She is doing really well!

    You have really got me thinking about cloth diapering, but it all seems a little overwhelming for me! Too many choices on all these blogs and websites and I don't know where to start! YIKES!! It would be pretty simple since I am home all day! HMMM....

  • Katja said...

    There are days that I miss the diaper days... not diapers, but having a small one. My baby is already 4, time goes so fast!

    I just tagged you!

  • Jen said...

    Thanks for visiting with me. Your kids are adorable!