Last year I became friends with the owner, Heather. We chatted about mothering, products and well our sense of humors definitely clicked.
Heather is 35 weeks pregnant with her 3rd child. Baby Sawyer. Heather and her husband just found out that their unborn child no longer has a heartbeat.
I ask that you as mothers and parents go and read her blog post here...
Life is short and the Lord blesses us with every single moment. Please send her your condolences and PLEASE say a prayer that the Lord keeps her strong for her other children, Hunter and Ahslyn.
Hunter is old enough to understand but not comprehend. This will be hard for all of them.
I wanted to use her picture in this post to get your attention, I'm sure Heather won't mind and I know she will welcome the prayers.
Go and read her story

Heather if your reading this....I'll still come to visit and stay in the basement. :-)
I won't even complain if its not done yet!
[{(BIG HUGS)}]
my friend.
Feel free to copy and paste this on your own blog.
The more prayers the easier it may be for them.
Oh dear! I reposted for you and Heather! I am so sorry for your friend. You okay?
I am reading my friend and thank you so much for your loving heart and kind support. The outpouring of love and prayers on our behalf has been an amazing comfort.
awe wow... that is so hard! I had no clue. thanks for the heads up.. thats a beautiful pic btw...
So sad how are they doing now!