
My Future Computer Programer?

Mason is only 5 but it amazes me how fast they pick up. He is so bright. He is constantly wanting me to read to him, work with him on the computer, and just teach him about ANYTHING.

I typically let him on the computer every OTHER day for 30 minutes to an hour. (not all at the same time) I like to stretch it out. He could seriously play on here for HOURS! I Wonder where he gets that from? ::snickering::

There are so many differnt programs out there for preschoolers and even school age kids that are not only fun but really educational. I simply REFUSE to let my 5 year olds mind be warped by death and carnage. There are so many parents out there that are wonderful moms and dads and yet they want to use computers and video games as BABYSITTERS. Don't get me wrong, if used in moderation they are great for enriching young minds. BUT COME ON PEOPLE PICK UP A BOOK AND READ TO YOUR CHILD. BETTER YET PLAY THE VIDEO GAMES WITH THEM. Keep Gaurd Over Your Children. Our most valuable resource for the future!

I will admit that Clint plays some violent video games but these are in he middle of the night and NOT around the kids. We were letting Mason watch one which wasn't that violent in our opinion then after a few times of seeing it he had a nightmare that someone was chasing mommy and daddy to kill us. THAT was the last of the video games for him. BUGS LIFE and Stuart Little for Mason.

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  • Wendy said...

    Wesley has always loved the computer! Now he knows how to get online to play games!! I have to set a timer to remind me to boot him off:)