That is a cute picture of your daughter copying you! Oh, I hope my next one (due in June) is a girl! I really want one of each!
Thanks for the info on the popcorn. I thought it was appropriate, and then Drea said she gives Taite popcorn, and then I thought about it for a moment, but still didn't think it was right. I am going to check our the article you sent me - I wonder what age you can start giving them that? 3?
Thanks for stopping by my blog - I am going to go check yours out!
I love to surf the web looking for that newest coolest thing that no ONE has. (its a secretly a competition with me and my F-I-L!) I love hearing about new sites & pretty much anything that will make life a little more SIMPLE!!! Whether you are an individual or a large company; I would be happy to do a product review for you!! Contact me @....
How about you follow me, and I follow you, and we can walk around in big circles?
I'm the brains behind this blog. Be afraid be very afraid.
I'm a born again Christian. Striving to known and please the Lord more and more everyday. I'm the wife to a temperamental hubby a.k.a "Big Stup", who seems to be my perfect balance cause I'm off the walls. We have two beautiful children. {Mason 6YO and Terri Jade 2.5YO[DIVA]} I'm also the proud mama to a dog... Louie (Lhasa Apso--who often smells).
I'm a caffeine fueled mom of 2 dealing with what life hands me one day at a time. I'm a talker, try not to get lost in my babbling....
I LOVE it:) Terri are beautiful!!! are too Liz;)
awwww... that is so adorable!!
That is a cute picture of your daughter copying you! Oh, I hope my next one (due in June) is a girl! I really want one of each!
Thanks for the info on the popcorn. I thought it was appropriate, and then Drea said she gives Taite popcorn, and then I thought about it for a moment, but still didn't think it was right. I am going to check our the article you sent me - I wonder what age you can start giving them that? 3?
Thanks for stopping by my blog - I am going to go check yours out!