YEP, you heard correctly, I have a Red Bull and I am on a mission to do some "damage control". The back part of my house is a cluttered, hot mess!!!! That is the only way to explain it. Masons room ::trembling with fear:: The babys have slept in the playpen in there, and well that is all I can say. I wouldn't dare leave his door open for 2 minutes...something might escape. Terris room isn't that bad. Just some clothes to put away, same with mine. But again, Masons room...::trembling::
I realllllly want to get some reading done on my new book Lies Women Believe, which won't happen if I don't get most of this house done.
You want pictures??
The only good thing is that Mason is COMPLETELY OCCUPIED right now. Drea brought him his early (tomorrow is his B-day) Birthday present. He woke up this morning and was ready to go outside in his undies to start the sidewalk redecorating!!!

UPDATE On the "aftershock"....The Red Bull has officially worn off!! Thank the Lord the day is ALMOST DONE! so i promised "after" pictures, here ya go....

Proud of me? te he! DiD you EvEr doubt me? noooo
I want to REMIND YOU that I DO have a 5YO(tomorrow is his birthday) and TWO 1YOs in the house and STILL got all this done!
I also cooked THIS for dinner.
(I took a picture to show my friend what she was missing)
Clint was so tired that he fell asleep while I was finishing up dinner. I let him sleep, and was just going to put his food in the microwave. BUT while I was getting the kids teeth brushed I FORGOT to put his food up....{you know where I'm going with this don't you?}I walked in the kitchen to find my Lhaso Apso ON THE KITCHEN TABLE CHOWING DOWN!
Needless to say that poor (FULL) Louie is sleeping outside tonight. This will be his 3rd night out in almost 4 years!!!
My bloggin buddy Andrea is having her very first *(correct me if I'm wrong)* giveaway. Go check it out! I'm signed up!!!!
Good luck with the damage control!
DITTO!!'re IS my first giveaway...yipee! Thanks for entering....and good luck with that cleaning...yikes! :) haha...I guess I WILL admit though...our house looks like that from time to time (gasp!) :)
Good Job!!! the place looks great!!! SO, how does the Red Bull taste? The reason why im asking is cause i never had it before!
you did a great job cleaning! todays my day of cleaning... joy!
WOW i'm impressed. I cant drink the red bull because of my heart condition but i guess i will just have to take my vitamins huh?? LOL!
Good job on the cleaning! It looks great!
yikes! You rock:o) Looks fabulous!
Awesome Job! I just posted about Red Thunder. The generic equivalent!! MomPop anyone??