I went into Masons room for 5 minutes today after church...
THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS IN FIVE MINUTES with a 2 year old and a permanent marker!
*(What I didn't get a picture of is the hall, HER room walls and her CRIB!)*
The magic eraser only worked on her crib (thank the Lord), the picture behind the couch (thank him AGAIN for that one) and the table beside the couch.
Guess whats in my (already BUSY) schedule for the week? hmmmm....
Side note: my mother in law saw it this evening and ACCUSED me of setting it up so I could be rid of that awful yellow that I've complained about for the past two years! HA!
Oh no!!!
Try the magic erasers. They are miracles.
I got a little bit of that artwork in my bedroom to. It's been there for about 2 years now. bad designher.
LMAO!! That's so funny. Terri sounded and acted just like Lani when she does stuff like that. Of course it's never been that beautiful before.
Oh, and Michael could NOT believe that you put that little beauty in the corner ;)
The Lord knew you needed motivation to paint ;-)
ha ha ha ha ha... magic marker is amazing.
I meant eraser... i guess th emarker is amazing too. hee hee.
Oh NOO!!! But I have to say, I would have just melted when she started saying "I sowwie!" How sweet is that?! Um... congrats on the new re-decorating? ;-)
Oh no!!! that is soooo sad. I have a 2 year old boy and he totally would do something like this. I have to say your daughter is so cute and it broke my heart when she got a time out. I totally understand though. I was amazed by how composed you were. I would of gone MAD.
Where's the pictures of the 'new' painted room?
Cute they do have the gift of being creative those little one!!!!
But painting wall an NEW color is always fun don't you think!