Mason turned 6 years old yesterday. October 16th 2002 my big boy was born....
*A big thank you to Miss Andrea for the super cute PJs and box of goodies!*
Today he is the most thoughtful, caring, polite, and genuinely sweet well mannered little boy that I could have ever been blessed to call my own. :o) can add a little goofy to all of that too. I think it makes for a pretty well rounded child!Daddy took Mason for a ride around the block on his friends bike. *His birthday ride*
CAN YOU SAY LOCK JAW? For those of you that know me (and how much I talk) this is pretty funny. It might be funny to me tomorrow, but for right now.....NOT SO FUN. I'm serious. I got stuck by some rusty strip nails yesterday at lunch time. By 5o'clock tonight I had a pretty decent headache so I came home and showered. I say came home because for the past few days I've spent my time helping Clints Aunt and Uncle flip a house . I was ripping up carpet when my pinky finger got cut with some rusty nails.

POOR ME. I'm glad I had my Amerge (migraine medicine) in my purse or I wouldn't have been lucky enough to make it to the bathroom to barforino! (yes you CAN throw up with lockjaw! Its painful!)

I think it's funny that you'd help someone flip a house on Mason's bday but not get a shot, you're silly.
But seriously, tetanus is can even be fatal, I'm glad you're back home.
Happy Birthday Mason!
I just saw an episode of CSI where a guy had lock jaw!! I'm glad you're ok though. that's scary! AND Happy Birthday to your boy!!
He looks sooo cute in his jams!
I like that he got to 4wheel in them 2 haha.
Caleb goes in his jams everywhere!
That lock jaw stuff is scary... im just glad your ok.. that will be a birthday u dont forget... yikes!
Happy Belated Birthday Mason!
I'm glad you're ok!!!
Awww happy birthday Mason!
i can't believe you got lock-jaw. i thought that was just a scarey myth or old wives tail. I'm glad you got it all taken care of and i hope you are feeling better now!
And your son is adorable.
Nell :--)