I am so thrilled that the Bloggy Givaways Carnival is back! It's so much fun to check out all the awesome blogs out there and learn about exciting new websites, products and great information too!
To be entered....
Leave me a comment and tell me which of these you have done(if not both!).
Add my button....(2 points.)
Follow me on twitter ...(2 points)
Not too hard? Here are the buttons...and I'm here on twitter!! :-)
POINTLESS BABBLING By Mason and Terris Mom

I'm following you on Twitter =)
I haven't been to your site since the new look. Great. I'll add you to my site. Thanks.
i added you to my blog! i would love to win!
oh i forgot- you are on my thriftymama7 blog!
I'm following you on Twitter!
Thanks for the giveaway.
I'm following you on twitter and have your button up.
Nice give away. I added a button to my brand new blog. I hope I did it correctly!
I am following you on Twitter.Thanks for hosting a great giveaway! I am hosting one, too. I hope you will check it out!
OK. I am new to twitter but hopefully, I am now following you!
Hey girly! I already follow you AND I already put your button up:) If I win this can I go buy Lani a new pair of Dora shoes? LMAO!!! MWAH!!!
I went to Twitter...am I following you? Sorry, I'm new! Thanks!
following you on twitter!!
This is the first time i have ever been on your blog! Its nice! I am on twitter.
I'm following you on my new twitter account. :)
Thanks for the great giveaway! I added your button in my sidebar.
I put your button on my sidebar.
I added your button on my sidebar.
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
Already following you on twitter. :) Can I still enter. I feel like I live at Target sometimes!
I think "Melanie" is really pretty. (But they all are!)
InnerBeauty AT AffordableMineralMakeup DOT com
Come check out my give-aways at http://www.InnerBeautyGirlz.com
I followed you on twitter. :)
alaskawildrose AT gmail DOT com
I added your button! Thanks for the great giveaway!
I'm following you on Twitter (I hope...I'm new to all of this!). Thanks for the chance to win your great giveaway! We LOVE Target and need to get started on that back-to-school shopping!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com
great giveawya!
I'm following you on Twitter. Thanks for the chance to win!
I added your button my my blog (shescribes.com) about 1/2 way down.
Thanks for a great giveaway!
i followed you on twitter!:)
Your blog header is so cute! Did you design it?
I followed you on twitter. I {heart} twitter!
♥ Melissa~
Pink Paper Peppermints
followed you on twitter
Target is SO my favorite store
learningmama is following you on Twitter!!
Thanks for the chance!!
learningmama at yahoo dot com
I'm following you on twitter (katrinawelch)
I would love to win! Thanks!
I checked out twitter
Please enter me in the drawing
susanwash at windstream dot net
I just found you...not sure how to follow on twitter yet. I'll keep reading.
i just added your button...it's rather cute! please enter me!!! thanks! amberfly00@hotmail.com
Thanks for the giveaway! I'd love to win!
I am following you on twitter!
I added your button!
twitter twitter twitter! :)
Thanks for hosting! I love Target!
I'm following you on Twitter. Thanks for hosting.
Until I get my new blog set up I'm not adding new things to the old one, but I'm following you on Twitter! :)
Thanks so much for the entry.
following you on twitter. would love to win this
Enter me please! Who doesn't love Tar-jay? LOL!
I stuck your button on! Check it out!
I added your button to my site. Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm following you on twitter. Thanks for the giveaway!
Following you on Twitter. Thank you!
I am not a blogger, but I love to read blogs and shop at Target!!!
mcginnis135 AT bellsouth DOT net
I'm following you on twitter!
I put your button on my bloggy!
I'm following you on Twitter!
Your blog header is so cute!
I'm following you on twitter.
Following you on Twitter as 'luvcontests'!!
Wanted to say that I think your blog header is soooo cute!!
I'm following you on twitter as "foreverdaisies". Thanks for the great giveaway! I have your blog bookmarked to come read more after the busy giveaway week!
I have done neither. I hope that is OK.
Good luck to all.
Love your blog header
I'm following you now on Twitter!
Enter me, please! Target is my fav!
great idea. :)
Following you on Twitter...
Are you as addicted to Twitter as I am?
Thanks for the giveaway!
added you to Twitter
I am now following you on Twitter!
I would pound a path with weary feet to get a gift Card to target - thanks for the chance.
I am new to your blog. Thanks for a chance to win the red dot within the circle card!
Thank You, added you to twitter
Thanks for the heads up and for visiting my giveaway! I added your button and I'm already following you. Thanks for offering this gift, Target is my home away from home!
I followed you to Twitter.
Please include me and thanks so much,
kjmt42 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net
Well, of course I added that cute and funny button to my blog! :)
I add YOUR button....(2 points.)
I still don't get the whole twitter thing so I didn't do this!...(2 points) SORRY! No points! lol
If I win I'm going to go buy new sheets!!!! =) lol I know weird hud? I just love Targets home stuff!!!!
Stop by my blog if you get some free time!
I am following you on Twitter!
I'd love this for school supplies :)
Following you on Twitter now. I'm @angienewton
Thanks for the chance to enter. Looking forward to reading your blog.
I'm following you on twitter.
I blogged you too: http://doreens-scrap-wonderland.blogspot.com/2008/08/target-20-gc-giveaway.html :)
I follow you on twitter!
I'm twittering you.
ok I 1. added your button at http://bee-mused.blogspot.com/
and 2. followed on Twitter.
I was at your site awhile ago and now it has a whole new look! It's awesome.
I am following you on Twitter!
I added your button.
I'm following you on twitter! thanks for the chance to win!
I'm following you on Twitter! Thanks for the giveaway!
thanks for your giveaway!
I follow you on Twitter!
I'd love to win a giftcard to Target!
I don't know what Twitter is :(. Take pity on me, I am blogless as well.
I'm following you on twitter!
This is AMAZING! YOU'RE amazing!
irrelevantheart (at) gmail (dot) com !! Thank you!
i have not done either, yet
Following on twitter! (I hope I did it right!!!)
Thanks for the great giveaway.
carissaad(at)aol dot com
I'm following on Twitter.
My sn is FashionFling. :)
I added your banner to my blog
Thank you!
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I added your button!
I followed you on Twitter. :-0 Hope you will follow me as well.
Target is so great!
I am now following you on Twitter under the id _Karen. Thanks for the cool giveaway!
I added your review blog link to my new review blog here . . . http://hisnewsherreviews.blogspot.com/ (I know it doesn't get me an entry, I just wanted to let you know. LOL!)
Thanks thanks and more thanks.
I'm bookmarking you and will be back!
coming back too
I am following you on the Twitter.
I am new to all of this and I just found you blog. I would love to win you prize.
I wanted to be entered, I know your closing tonight. Is it too late? I AM ALREADY FOLLOWING YOU ON TWITTER You are to funny.
Following you on Twitter. Love your header!
I've added your button to my Linky Love/Sassy Places page plus I'm following you on Twitter now. :) Thanks for the chance to win! :)