I'm sorry. I need to cry. I sit here and I know that the Lord HAS A PLAN. I just can't understand sometimes.
I had a good friend die in a motor cycle accident last night. He was actually considered family. He was Clints cousins half brother. Besides that he grew up 6 houses down from me in a small town where wild kids stick together, and we were wild kids. Jason Simpson was 25 years old. He had three kids and a mother that was a brain cancer survivor that lived for her son.
He just had a free spirit. A wild hair!!
There are sooooo many people in this world that live their lives to benifit themselves and harm soo many others in doing so. Hate. Greed. Wrath. NONE Jason had. The bigest heart. Just not always thinking. WHY?
In John 9:1-5, Jesus was asked by His disciples why a certain man was born blind. They asked if it was because of his own sin or because of his parents’ sin. Jesus told them that the man wasn’t blind because of sin. He was blind so that God’s work could be seen in him. This blind man probably had no idea that this was the reason he was born blind, but then he couldn’t see the big picture that Jesus could see. Jesus healed the man giving him his sight, and people all around who knew him were baffled by how this man could now see. They even questioned if this was the same man they had known. The man spread the word that it was Jesus who healed him, and therefore the work of the Lord was done. We can’t see the big picture like God can, and we have to trust that God does in fact know what he is doing even if we don’t know what He’s up to.
He will deliver us into an eternity of peace. He has given us a choice, the sad thing is that most of us choose to reject Him.
Jason was a Christian.Bad mugshot huh? (driving with NO MOTORCYCLE OPERATOR'S LICENSE)
I had an email sent to me tonight. I haven't checked my emails (too busy) since Wednesday night. THIS was the first one that I opened. A FWD'd message. I typically skip these till I have more time. (a daily abundance of them will cause anyone to do this) I took the time. It was so precious. It brought me to tears!
Bless the Lord for the day! He gives no guarantee for tomorrow!~ If you claim to be a Christian live you life like one. Glorify the Lord in all that you do because there is a seat waiting for you!
I have listened to this video before. I am so sorry about your friend:{ Let me know if I can do anything. *HUGS*
i've heard this before too... praying for you and your family!!! I'm so sorry.
so praying for you tonight...
I'm so sorry Elizabeth. Praying for you...
May you feel God's arms around you as you grieve...thinking of you and I'll be remembering you in my prayers. Be blessed Elizabeth
I'm sorry about your friend Jason. Just last night, I was reading a blog that was talking about this same passage in John 9. What a coincidence. It's so hard to understand God's will and His ways. I guess that is what faith is.
I am sorry for your loss. Life really is so short and we never know when the end is near. I am so glad that your friend was a follower of Jesus. It's hard to remember in these times that when a fellow Christian dies they're really going home. I pray that his friends and family can have peace knowing that he's now happier than he's ever been.